S.P.A.M. INDIE RECORDS is a Cologne/Germany based record label featuring various artists providing you multiple styles. Pick yours ... the catalogue is multifarious - offering splendid disco pop, finest death metal, relaxed city soul, freaky kitchen punk, grinding digital hardcore, spacey session tapes, grand club tunes, hot indie rock, delicious electro tracks and much more. Enjoy the discovery --- cheers ♬ .. if you want more info about #spamindierecords just listen to the podcast!

Brainless Few: Parameter
This is'Brainless Few' ..
Konstanz 90s Mood ..
Stiefel Vibes .. !

TRUE: The New Hope
The Real Unique Entertainment presents new soundtracks,, energetic and peaceful .. perfect for gaming and everything!
• Electro Soundtracks •
Stehen Sie Bequem, Dienstleist!
Resi Stent & Dr. Suchtdruckk proudly present ihr erstes Album.
Synthpunk aus Köln. Achtung: UFOs in der Rentnertwurstfabrik ...

Fake Plastic
Fake Plastic might exude the attitude of an indie rock band on stage,
but in their music, they refuse to be tied down to any one musical style.
The songs are built on the spirit of rebellion and transcend the worlds of
imagination, poetry, and passion.
Till: Lead-Vocals, Guitar, Bass
Pete: Drums, Backing Vocals

I Hate The Bouncers: Heute Nicht
Hi, we are called "I Hate The Bouncers" and we are a LOFI folk acoustic electro punk band based in Berlin. We formed less than a year ago and recently went to record our first 8 tracks at Pink Noise Collective studios here in Berlin... and now we proudly present our first offical Album.
• LoFi Punk •
Die Frequenz
Die Frequenz offenbaren Hymnen in Stahl .. f=1/T .. Electronic Body Music mit hartem Noise Anteil für deine Ohrmuschel .. Wer den Dark Club Cologne im Friedenspark gefeiert hat kommt hier voll auf seine Kosten .. safe space!
• Industrial • Dark Tech •
Duke: LesseGO
Du nimmst mich mit in deiner Karre, alles glänzt!
featuring Queef Lasziva & Kid Moustiquaire
That B-Side provides some funky dub looper cake :)
featuring Juan El Chico
Bedrud/Duke: Fieper 12"
.. here’s some house music! Jay Duke und DJ Bedrud haben die lausigen Corona Zeiten dazu genutzt für euch zwei knackige Tracks zu produzieren die sowohl die kleinste Küche als auch die größte Klimademo in einen famosen Dancefloor verwandeln. Mit am Start sind MC Sandy, A-Giese & Gisido. Cheasn und viel Spaß beim tanzen wünscht euch S.P.A.M. INDIE RECORDS.
• Electro • House •
Luzidity: Forced To Kill
Produced by Luzidity, 2022. Composed & Written by Severin Justen, except 'Railgrinder'+'Forced To Kill' Lyrics by Gunnar Thielemann. Bass Arrangements by Leon Czichy. Drum Arrangements by Dominik Felicetti. Mixed+Mastered by Mario Hann/Colour Radio. Cover Artwork by Jens Emde.
• Technical Thrash Metal •Luzidity: Sierra Negra
Sierra Negra (Trancelucent) is an compiled edit of Luzidity's first demo EPs "The Core" and "Artifice" and rather puts focus on the experimental output from back in the days when S-Justen solo recorded his first tunes. It's an instrumental track that stands out for its brilliant acoustic guitar arrangement changing to a melodic metal tune with a georgeous thrashing solo and finally rounds off in a heavy trance metal track. How cool is that?
• Trancelucent •Luzidity: Necromanity
Thrash/Death Metal band LUZIDITY (Cologne, GER) present their first official EP! Listeners of the melodic, yet technical and brutal music will be drowned in gloomy atmospheres, hearing stories of a sinful species in a wasted world. The 5-Track EP is available on CD (limited) and can be downloaded via iTunes, Spotify, Deezer, ... Luzidity was invented by Severin Justen as an experimental guitar solo project that transformed into a band meanwhile introducing vocalist Gunner Thielemann and drummer Dominik Felicetti. They produced first demos and finally Yog joined Luzidity on bass and is intensively supporting the band since 2017 with his brutal playing style and skills.
• Metal •
Gronau/Duke/Justen: WAR is RED
It's sad and a shame all the suffering and war going on worldwide. Hard to find words ... so we have put together a strong kinda AntiWar club track.
Statement unfading .. Kollabo famos .. Gronau und Duke kennen sich eigentlich aus der Bildregie, dort Antipoden im ständigen Diskurs …
und beschließen tatsächlich die Produktion eines gemeinsamen Tracks .. gute Entscheidung - da fügt sich was zusammen!
S-Justen adds the cherry on top with that glittering tapping solo.
WAR is RED ☮ WAR is BAD ☮ WAR is WAR ☮ WAR is CRAP
Hopetone Blazze & Duke: diverCity
Hopetone Blazze, producer of those great riddims, inspires Duke to add some glossy guitars to it .. and then some more. Suddenly that thing got big .. featuring Kid Moustiquaire, Bedrud, Aneta Moran and TD Spencer! All them pushing Dukes idea of that tune to the limit is bringing out soulful city sound at its best :) An Ever Blazzing Production .. BigUp!
• Soul • Dub •
808 Haze Machine: Proof of Concept
Ikonische Drummachines, sägende HM2 Gitarren und ein wuchtiger Hip-Hop Vibe .. das zeichnet den Sound von 808 Haze Machine aus. Dr. Suchtdrukk und sk1nny vngvt brechen die Szenekonventionen und mischen Extreme-Metal und Trap-Beats zu einem futuristischen Soundmix. Mit ihren politischen Texten stehen sie für ein humanistisch-pazifistisches Weltbild. Proof of Concept wurde komplett in Eigenregie realisiert und unterstreicht damit den DIY-Ethos der Band. Reinhören! Abgehen! Yeah!
• Metal • Beats •
TRUE: Dark Symphonie
Hi, this is Dominik Felicetti alias TRUE and I'm here to say something about my project DARK SYMPHONIE. I am Drummer and Beat Producer ... that's my #1 passion! As I do this for over ten years now it gave me the experience to deliver some really good elektro/soundtracks to your ears. Enjoy the ride .. cheers TRUE ... if you like gaming visit my bigo live :)
• Soundtrack • Elektro •
Kid Moustiquaire: Ruhe
Kid Moustiquaire bedankt sich im Voraus für deine Aufmerksamkeit, tastet sich voran und spricht mit vollem Herzen. Grüße aus dem Reimland ; love vor lee und immer eine Handbreit in der Flasche. Euer Kid Moustiquaire ..
• Alternative • Hip-Hop •
Duke: Fine Day
featuring Jule, Kante, Justen
Special shout out to Jonas contributing that yummy analog drums!
What you feel .. get close - touch.
That B-Side provides some nice Jam-Sessions feat. Flo.
duKe: Shirtless Weasels
featuring Secret Curtis
Shirtless weasels racing the tracks
Drained and hungryeee.. taking a break
Under the dragon blood’s tree ...

Angora Delicado: Cortex Cowboys
"Where 2 Buy Money 2 Burn ...
checkin’ out the scenery acid bakers eagerly handling their machinery -
limo man down at the bar serving limo like a star -
cortex cowboys riding slow - bazillus dippin' dna ..."
Angora Delicado ist ein Studio-Projekt von A-Giese und J-Duke.
Das kompositiorisch/textliche Grundgerüst Jay's mit offen experimentellem Ansatz und die akustische Handschrift von Sound Designer
Giese (in der Szene spricht man auch vom Giese-Touch) führen zu Electro-Pop der besonderen Sorte.
Unterstützt wird das Duo genialerweise von Ausnahmegitarrist S-Justen und den Vocalists Djémila (chrystal clear like Maggie Reilly), Florian (with that special fragility),
Gunner (more than growls) und Olli (gloomy freestyles).
Angora Delicado: The Alligator
Summer heat - burning sun - a roaring deep
The alligator creeps along the watering place
Fresh snatched from down the waterline
No more animals feeling fine
He started his lethal chase
Young buffalo - loosing grip
Its hunter's denture with a fast hit
Tears his prey off the shore
Quickly turning round and round
Victim's eyes ooze out the face
Death is mixing up the heat
The stamping hoofs - a painful beat
Then silence is spreading the place

furzo: s-e-ll-a
Feel good with some real shit! Straight to tape - 2 hard MFs plus guests invite you to Kitchen-Punk deluxe
[feat. Photek & Fishead & Fenkh]
Maaaameee - maammmiiia tokhata ..
Maaaameee - hachanga della wata ..
Haven't you heard about the big sensation - do you think there is a new termination ..
father is working in the kitchen for you - I'm just watching the tv story //
I was looking for an answer baby - but it won't call me today ..
Bad MF watching TV
furzo: supersize in paradise
Dark.. darker.. darkest.. you like synth bass? .. them two cruel musically sparring partners present "RBTC". Dig it !
"The streets covered with fur
all around that filthy blur -
Ray of lonely souls
reflected by the concrete //
A stag beetle diggin’ a crumbly hole ... //
Pain is hitting right to front
space invaders dropping bombs -
System’s get invaded cruelly
colors being faded through -
Flawless diamonds spitted out //
Precious twinkling sneaks between
crashing this distressing scene -
Gloomy turns to macro bright
ultraviolet black sunlight."

Sambaolekonfusion: Don't be a Fred !
Sülzburger Jam Sessions mit Jo, Jeff, Timo, Jacek, Jochen, Olli
01. Wir alle Mikrofone 02. Tremonia 03. dreamEA 04. B-gaden 05. Field Style 06. Hotel Haze 07. Jazz-it 08. LSDeep 09. Pling 10. Rasselle 11. Slayback 12. Southjam 13. Volume

Playpen: The Messy Jesus’ Anachronism
100% echter Rock. Hilft beim Ausklinken und rettet deine Seele vor gesellschaftlicher Verblödung.
Recorded once when Playpen was lost in translation. Pace ! FWD
"I hate you when I look at you for troubles and true lies .. everything that wasn't blue has melted in your eyes"
All music, lyrics, vocals and instruments by RJ-Beimborn.
Recorded and mixed at 'The Cottage' by H-Brochhaus.
Trumpet on 'Unconnected' played by K-Burk.
--> if you like this one go for the album. 🔥

Tweakin’: The Rythm’
Produced at Studio Lux-26 [Cologne]
starring: Ute / Jacek / Jochen
"the rythm‘ is gonna get to you -
we can feel it all around -
it’s that hyping vibes that make us travel -
through the nights onto another level -
it’s floating in my venes just like a cybergame -
feel it breathing in my brain as if i’m watching life throughout a frame -
these mysterious vibrations are our soul reincarnations -
let’s reach the highest point of pleasure let’s ignore their way of measurement -
there is no greater treasure ...
I think my feet are loosing ground -
it doesn’t matter what you do"

Behold: The Breathing Clockwork
This cool record "THE BREATHING CLOCKWORK" provides you the best metal experience you can get. Behold pursues an open concept influenced by pop, progrock, blackmetal and techmetal merging together in best flavored pure death metal. Absolute must! Great stuff!
• Metal •Behold: The Construct
Behold sind eine Progressive Deathmetal Band aus Köln.
Drums: Mich / Bass: Yog / Git: Alex / Vox: Leon
Kompositorisch verfolgen sie ein offenes Konzept
und versuchen eine möglichst freie Interpretation von Death-Metal zu verwirklichen.
Dabei verarbeiten sie in ihren Songs verschiedenste Stil-Einflüsse von Pop und Progrock
über Blackmetal bis hin zu technischem Deathmetal. Die Songs stammen alle aus der Feder von Mastermind Leon Czichy.
Als Co-Writer wirken Alexander Lürwer und Michel Weber mit.
Beide EPs wurden in Eigenregie mit Support durch Colour Radio in Köln produziert.
Underground Metal von der feinsten Sorte - unbedingt antesten!

Mr. Gugu: Skuzi, Ouzo?
The Band was formed by Şener, Jochen and Severin around spring 2011. They all came up with very different styles of music. Seve and Şener, both also being involved into some darker styles of music (Metal) met Jochen, an electronic music producer, in a bar and had a horrible number of drinks together. After 10 beers or so they finally decided to establish a band which they called 'The LMAA-DrinKings'. Approximately one year later - already about 5 songs for their first demo were written, Jens, whom they picked up from below the counter somewhere in Cologne, merrily joined the band and since then enriches the band with his golden voice and influence. They transformed their band name to M!STER GUGU ... and lived happily ever after.
• Indie • Rock •Mr. Gugu: Hilde sitzt vor dem TV
Prompt & LoFi produced via WhatsApp during first corona lockdown in march 2020!
Musik/Arrangement: Seve und Jocko
Text/Gesang: Jule und Jocko

Vogelgrippostad C: International Panic
DR. MARKUSE and P-NUT jamming DIESEL-10
• Propellerhead Reason
• Zoom SampleTrak
• Roland GP100
• FenderStrat
--> rec !!

Monsieur SurLeKlo: 33° - Der Grill pfeift
Flo und Jojo malen Beats :))
Als nachtaktive Proberaum-Nachbarn ergab es sich gegen 3h morgens "SMOKE" in die Cubase-Pianorolle zu malen ..
so entstand diese spezielle Klavierlinie des Tracks :) dazu kamen dann noch ein paar Ultimate Drums und Logic Synths
plus spontane Lyrics inspiriert durch blühenden Krokus und sonniges T-Shirt-Balkonieren im Februar.
Reddifidemm - feddich ist die Gartenlaubenmischung .. Klimawandel ich hör dir trapsen!

Hogo Pogo: Low Flying Birds
The strange gap ...
sending out warm light into the darkness ..
covered by sounds of low-flying birds.
Hogo Pogo is a studio project by J-Duke together with W-Dukart, JvS, Kid-M, N-Kunz, D-Hölscher, S-Justen, MC Sandy, Bedrud, VocalInTakt
.. spending time on musical ideas that are melting
together into a concept where dark pop-grooves with distorted guitars and stringful cinematic sound meet rhythmic phrases,
melodic singing and vocal freestyles serving electro pop of its own kind.

duKe: OxirenT
Reflections in your eyes - no disguise
Hooked on where the driver’s taking us
Snakes at the roadside – vultures above
Squint into reality
- synchronized intensity
- soulful speed of gravity
- irenic tranquillity
- energetic bustle
- fruity juice prerogative
- dark splendor activity
- no matter if
Taste of the vibrant brew
Floating the limbic clew
Walking down dead end street
Watching the sunset bleed
Chasing the clouds away
Feeling the touch of kozmik ray
duKe: Easy
"Living is easy... know how it’s done."
.. duKe is a songwriter & multi-instrumentalist with highly collaborative approach serving up unique compositions tickling your ears and delighting your soul.
In this release he got splendid support by Kid Moustiquaire, Bedrud and TD Spencer on the mics,
S-Justen adding finest thrashing guitars and Giese playing that cool Rhodes. THX Guys!
duKe: CruNchY LighT
Work in progress --> stay tuned!
"By the hole in your soul -
snowflakes tipping -
out of the black clouds -
into the blue sky"

LMAA-DrinKings: Liquid Chick
Şener, Jocko and Seve rockin' the S-212 !
01. Alkohol
02. Ordinary Texas
03. Paranoid Animals
04. Funky Punky
05. Otz Otz
06. The White Skate Shark
07. Surf Karpfen
08. BH in the Attic
09. Nachspeise

The Flying Carpendales: Bastard Blues
Three guys - one room - no strings attached!
😎 JvS 😎 JH 😎 SJ
• Jamsession •

Nicht Rauchen: Bullets
Hard Riffs - Slick Styles
Deutz-Rock direkt aus dem Bahnhof
An den Instrumenten: Die Klietz-Bros plus Jochen und Timo
01. Situation Changed
02. smaShit
03. Roulette
04. Sam Rock
05. Bullets

Mr. Jekyll is Hiding: Bed Stuff
One hour instrumental edit preserving some special jams and tapes arised over the years by various #spamindierecords artists in mixed combinations.
00:00 DReamEA
03:32 Reg-A-Low
06:12 Bacteria
09:22 TIN-T-RO
10:58 International Panic
16:16 Volume
17:10 Kalte Kekse
25:58 Machina
27:58 Lonely Place
29:20 O.R.K.S.
31:24 LSDeep
48:42 Discovery
52:04 7h30
53:34 Ordinary Times

Overtone: Seductive Visions
Dr. Markuse chopping Aphequestroniques ;)
[CD 1]
01. prime one
02. prime two
03. prime three
04. scanned
05. prime four
06. jaundiced mind
07. prime five
08. swirl-pool
09. remote-controlled
0A. furtiveness
0B: prime six
[CD 2]
0C. seductive visions
0D. prime seven
0E. for the purpose of something
0F. real behavior
10. the evil voice in your head
11. prime eight
12. mourning of the undead ones
13. prime nine
14. the chainsmoker
15. cute innocent killer
16. final malfunction

bacteria-radio: 4-your-ears-only
Monday Nights: 0h - 2h (playtime #spamindierecords)
Tuesday Nights: 0h - 2h (playtime #spamindierecords)
.. all shows [24/7] running that station created by this label's artists so
chekChek-lecker-anytime ..
! no doubt best and most manifold broadcast out there !
• Internet Radio Station •

d.o.g.: Frei dabei!
Rap aus Dortmund
" Die Zeiten sind hart - schnall' dich an - gute Fahrt ! "
"Wie ein Komet komm ich in dieser Nacht -
ich weiß nicht mehr mit wem hab’ ich sie nur verbracht -
der Prophet gilt in seinem eigenen Lande nichts -
ich weiß es nicht, vielleicht war ich mal wieder dicht –
der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm das sagt man zu mir,
geboren zwischen zwei Kulturen, wo fühl' ich mich hier?"

PHC: Closer to the Sun
Flo, Druminik, Jojo
>> jamming the hood on 'Slightly Stoopid'
This one is a nice cover version in a fakeLiveEditStyle emerged from a simple probitchRecording :)
You don't know the band 'Slightly Stoopid'?
Go for it! Them awesome!

Noise Deutschland:
Statt Plastik (Kassettenrekorder)
Recorded at Mastersound Studios, Central Neverland
" Four dudes free floating in Brezelheim ! "
Bonzo: Vocals, Drums, Guitar
Willy: Vocals, Guitar, Bass
Jojo: Guitar, Bass
Smokefoot: Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Drums, Harmonica

Soft Cock: ... live im 501
Bootleg recording of cologne unplugged duo 'Soft Cock'
01. Ricky Waiting - Prince
02. When you were mine - Prince
03. The closer you are - Frank Zappa
04. We're not gonna make it - The Presidents of the USA
05. Murder by Numbers - The Police
06. War Pigs - Black Sabbath
07. Invisible sun - The Police
08. Ommm - Interlude
09. Casey Jones - The Grateful Dead
10. Coconut Grove - Lee Roth

Snoop Dogg vs. Depeche Mode:
New America (MashUp)
... wrapped that tune back in 2002 since there was no YouTube!
Just listened to
N04H's A-HA/Kendrick Lamar - Take on Backseat (Mashup)
made us dig out the trunk this nice antique piece of bastard pop .. here you go!
Original credits go out to ML-Gore [Grabbing Hands/Sonet] [MUTE], C-Broadus, Babyface, The Megahertz, D-Thomas [Priority/Arista].

beatdadenkstdu: Immer dann wenn ...
[ Eike ] Mit dem bombastischen Klang man
fing' dieser Reim an, Stück für Stück kam das Glück
und ich wusst’ immer mehr was ich kann –
ich bin der Booomer, der Boomer, ich laber nich' drum rum,
dicke Titten kicken mich, flexibel wie ein Puma - gegenübertreten,
intensiv tief, produktiv, mega aktiv, wer ist denn hier der Chief –
Hop oder Top, wirst du der Gewinner oder Verlierer sein,
aber steckst du tief im Schlamassel drin interessiert's eh' kein Schwein [ R.I.P. ]
[ Aisy ] Immer dann wenn ich komm' -
komm' ich nicht fromm sondern von einer Mission, einer Religion,
der Ton macht die Musik -
verliere deinen abgefuckten Glauben an die Realität,
weißt du was unter deinen Fingernägeln abgeht -
eure Werte oberflächlich wie eine Laterne an der man steht,
wenn’s einem nicht mit rechten Dingen zugeht [ DO-UNION ]

P-NUT: the-2nite-era
DPS-12 LuxProductions /// Back in the days ...
Auf einer anderen Ebene - LPT - Just a little tale!
Hörst du es klingen - das Schwingen von Dingen?
"When me walks through the southside I see money talks - from the alpine in a parking car, the pocket of a grand ma, bubbles of a deala //
walking through the southside aint no shit .. seeing monks on the corner
ready to dig .. society out of control - we as so called generation x - ready to flex - letting rule, acting cool -
cause shit happens even without weapons / there is no illusion but the dead presidents who rule -
that’s what you don’t learn at school // think of a sculpture in a frozen see – nice to look at – with a kind of grace easily slippin‘ on the surface
---- comin‘ from the southside ..."

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